• Training

Whole Body Vibration is a form of training which uses reflexes. The BodyShaker generates mechanical energy (vibrations) which are transferred to the body. This high frequency vibration causes a myotatic reflex or a stretch reflex in the muscle being trained. The muscles involuntarily contract. A good example of a stretch reflex is a reflex tested by the doctor when he gently taps a reflex hammer under the knee. The muscles in the upper leg involuntarily contract 100% automatically.

The BodyShaker stimulates the muscle’s stretch reflex. With conventional power training, only 40-45% of the muscle tissue contracts. During a workout on the BodyShaker, the muscle tissues contract for 90-100%.
During the training, the muscle tissues contract at the set frequency. Each vibration causes a contraction. Due to the high number of consecutive contractions, the contraction is experienced as one long contraction.  

That is why the BodyShaker is very effective in a short training time.