
Looking good makes you feel good. Your self confidence grows accordingly.

In recent years, the number of people with weight problems has increased dramatically. Being overweight puts you at great risk of heart disease, diabetes and joint problems. Scientific research has shown that if you reduce your weight by 5%, you also reduce the health risks.
Using the BodyShaker you can maintain your weight at a healthy level. With the BodyShaker you can burn up to 350 calories a day.

The BodyShaker helps you fight cellulite. The BodyShaker improves the circulation. Furthermore it improves lymphatic drainage, allowing better drainage of fluids and waste materials. The connective tissue becomes stronger after training with the BodyShaker. Your skin thus becomes firmer and dimples and bumps disappear.
It not only helps you fight cellulite, it also smoothes away wrinkles. As the connective tissue becomes stronger, your skin will become firmer, giving wrinkles no chance to form. 

The BodyShaker is the solution for people who have little free time but who want to have a fit, healthy, slim or lean body. Expensive invasive surgery is no longer necessary. In a fraction of the time required with other sports, you will experience 30% more effect with the BodyShaker. Combined with fitness exercises or other sports, the BodyShaker offers even more spectacular results.